Home Remedies for Itching in Female Vagina

Vaginal itching can happen for lots of reasons. It might be due to things like the area being dry or getting irritated by chemicals in scented soaps. Sometimes, it’s because of a yeast infection, bacterial …


Vaginal itching can happen for lots of reasons. It might be due to things like the area being dry or getting irritated by chemicals in scented soaps. Sometimes, it’s because of a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, an infection you can get through sex, or something else.

You can try stuff at home to help with a scratchy vulva, but what you do depends on what’s making it itch.

What makes your vagina itch?

Vaginal itching usually happens because of a few common reasons.

Yeast infection

Sometimes, if you’ve got a vulva, you might get a yeast infection at some point.

Yeast infections come from Candida, which is a natural thing in your vaginal area. Changes in medicines, hormones, or using certain soaps or sprays can make yeast infections more likely.

Normally, healthy vaginas have Candida, but if it grows too much, it can cause a yeast infection. That can make your vulva feel itchy or like it’s burning.

Aside from itching, yeast infections might give you thick, white, cottage cheese-like discharge.

Bacterial vaginosis

Your vulva has bacteria to keep it healthy. But if the balance of bacteria gets messed up, certain types of bacteria, like Gardnerella vaginalis, can grow too much. Douching, not using condoms, and having multiple sex partners can up the chances of getting bacterial vaginosis.

When you have bacterial vaginosis, it can come with a fishy smell, burning when you pee, and discharge that’s gray, white, or green.

Vaginal dryness

This can be a sign of various things. It might make your vulva feel itchy inside. It can also make sex or touching yourself uncomfortable because there’s more rubbing, which can bother your skin.

Using water-based lubes can help if you’re dealing with vaginal dryness. In a study from 2017, they found that estrogen creams also helped with vaginal dryness and itching in 50 Indian women’s Health. If this is a regular issue for you, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

Irritation from stuff

The skin around your vulva and vulva is sensitive. Harsh chemicals in pads, washes, sprays, and other products can irritate your skin and make your vulva itchy. That’s why they suggest using only water to wash your vulva.

Sometimes, you might even be allergic to the things in washes and period products.

If you think your pad is making your skin unhappy, try a different brand. You could also switch to tampons or a menstrual cup.

Skin Issues

Your private area and the skin around your vulva can get affected by skin problems, making you itch.

Some skin problems that might make your vagina itch are:

  • Eczema
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Scabies
  • Hives
  • Dry skin

If you think you have a skin problem, talk to your doctor or a skin specialist.

Not Enough Estrogen

Though more common in young and perimenopausal women, low estrogen levels can happen at any age.

Estrogen does a big job in keeping your vulva wet. This wetness helps the vagina stay comfortable during sex by lowering friction. When estrogen levels are low, the vagina might get dry. That can cause irritation and itching, especially during sex.

Other signs of low estrogen include periods being irregular or not happening, feeling tired, and getting hot flashes.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Various STIs can lead to an itchy vagina. Some of them are:

  • Chlamydia
  • Genital warts
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Pubic lice

You need to see a doctor if you think you have any of these conditions. They require medical attention.

Here are 10 handy home remedies for stopping vaginal itching:

Baking Soda Bath

  • Taking a bath with baking soda can help with yeast infections and itchy skin.
  • Baking soda has stuff that fights fungi.
  • Dissolve between 1/4 cup and 2 cups of baking soda in your bathwater. Soak in it for 10 to 40 minutes.

Greek Yogurt

  • Greek yogurt is a cool trick for yeast infections.
  • It has good bacteria that fight off bad yeast and keep your vulva healthy.
  • You can apply it to your vulva or use it with a tampon.
  • Just make sure it’s plain yogurt with no extra flavors or sugar.

Cotton Underwear

  • Wearing undies made of cotton can be a game changer if you’re dealing with vaginal itchiness.
  • Cotton is airy and can help with itchy skin.
  • Plus, it might stop yeast infections because yeast likes closed-up places.

Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

  • Some say adding apple cider vinegar to your bath can help a lot.
  • It might ease yeast infections and itchy skin.
  • Add about half a cup of apple cider vinegar to your bath and soak for a bit.

Probiotic Supplements

  • Good bacteria are super important for your vagina’s health.
  • Probiotics are like tiny helpers that can boost these good bacteria.
  • You can get them as pills or drinks, and they’re also great when you’re taking antibiotics.

Coconut Oil

  • There’s some evidence that coconut oil can kill the yeast that causes infections.
  • You can put it right into your vagina, but be careful with staining your clothes.

Antifungal Cream

  • If yeast infection is the culprit, you can use over-the-counter creams that kill off the yeast.
  • These creams might come in a tube or a suppository form.
  • Just pop on a pantyliner to catch anything that leaks.

Cortisone Cream

  • If your itching is from shaving or other skin stuff, cortisone cream can be a savior.
  • It eases the itch and can help with rashes too.
  • Just remember, don’t put it inside your vagina.

Probiotic Foods

  • Eating foods with probiotics can help grow good bacteria in your vagina and tummy.
  • Things like yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha are full of these helpful bacteria.


  • Sometimes, less is more. Your vagina knows how to clean itself.
  • Just wash the outside gently with warm water.
  • Avoid scented stuff or douching, as they can make itching worse.
  • Overwashing isn’t great either.

Remember, if the itchiness doesn’t go away or gets worse, it’s smart to chat with your doctor. They’ll help you find out what’s up and what to do next.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is it normal for my vagina to be itchy?

Occasional vaginal itchiness can be normal, but persistent or severe itching may indicate an underlying issue that requires medical attention. If concerned, consult a healthcare professional.

What happens if a girl’s vagina is itchy?

If a girl’s vagina is itchy, it could be due to various reasons such as irritation, infections, or hormonal changes. Consulting a doctor can help determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

What stops itching fast in the vagina?

For quick relief from vaginal itching, you can try over-the-counter antifungal creams or hydrocortisone creams designed for external use. These can help soothe itching in the vagina.

Can you put Vaseline on your vagina to stop itching?

While some people use Vaseline or petroleum jelly to relieve external itching, it’s generally not recommended. Vaseline is a heavy and occlusive product that can trap moisture and heat, potentially making the situation worse or causing other issues.

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