Effective Methods to Boost Hair Growth and Combat Hair Loss in Men

Sometimes, you can’t completely stop hair loss because it’s either in your genes or due to things around you. But there are things you can try to slow it down. Before you spend money on …

Hair growth

Sometimes, you can’t completely stop hair loss because it’s either in your genes or due to things around you. But there are things you can try to slow it down.

Before you spend money on pills and special liquids, find out which ones have worked a little bit in stopping hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss in Men

There are different reasons why men might lose their hair:

  1. Genetics and Family History: If your family members have had hair loss, you might also experience it. Male pattern baldness is when hair gradually thins or recedes, often seen as a receding hairline or thinning on the top of the head.
  2. Medical Conditions: Some health problems like hormonal imbalances or diseases that affect the immune system can lead to hair loss. Conditions such as thyroid issues, scalp infections, and trichotillomania (a disorder where you pull out your own hair) can cause thinning or bald spots.
  3. Medications and Medical Treatments: Hair loss can be a side effect of certain medications used to treat cancer, depression, heart disease, gout, and arthritis.
  4. Stress: Long-lasting stress or major stressful events can temporarily make your hair thinner and lead to hair loss.

No matter why your hair is falling out, the best treatment for you will depend on these factors and what you prefer. To figure out your options, take a look at the treatments we suggest below.

Medication options

Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medicines to treat male pattern baldness:

Minoxidil (Rogaine): You can buy Rogaine without a prescription in a liquid or foam form, designed for both men and women. PuĀ  t it on your scalp twice a day to help hair growth and stop hair loss. Minoxidil is the active part of Rogaine. It also comes in a generic form as liquid drops or pills. Both Rogaine and minoxidil might take 4 to 6 months to show results. The results depend on using it correctly and following the right dosage.

Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar): This is a pill you take every day. You can only get it with a prescription from your doctor. The FDA says you’ll probably need at least 3 months of using it daily to see a change in hair loss.

Combination of Minoxidil and Finasteride: Some folks with hair loss might do well by using both minoxidil and finasteride together as a prescribed treatment. While you can buy minoxidil over the counter, the strongest kind is 5%. You need a prescription for anything stronger, but services like Roman, Keeps, and Happy Head can assess if you’d benefit from this and if you need more than 5% minoxidil.

For both minoxidil and finasteride, it might take up to 1 year to see results. And you’ll have to keep using them to keep seeing the benefits.

Hair Transplant

The Two Main Hair Transplant Methods: Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction

Remember, both of these procedures are surgeries, so they can be expensive and might cause some discomfort. Additionally, there are potential risks such as infections and scarring, and you may require multiple treatments to attain your desired outcomes.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

FUT is the more traditional approach. It involves taking a strip of skin, usually from the back of your head where hair is thick, and extracting hair follicles from that strip. These follicles are then implanted into the area where you’re losing hair on your scalp.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In FUE, the surgeon directly removes individual hair follicles from your scalp and places them in the balding areas. A modified version of this technique, called Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), uses a specialized tool to complete the procedure.

Remember, these procedures are surgical and can be costly. There might be some discomfort, and there are potential risks like infections and scars. Achieving your desired outcome might require multiple treatments.

Laser Treatment for Hair Loss

Laser treatment is believed to decrease inflammation in hair follicles, which can hinder regrowth in certain hair loss conditions like alopecia areata. In other cases of hair loss, a type of treatment called low-level laser therapy (LLLT) might promote hair growth using different methods.

However, there are not many extensive studies confirming the success of laser treatments for hair loss. Yet, a review suggests that LLLT is both safe and effective for addressing male pattern hair loss.

Making Changes for Healthy Hair

If you want to take care of your hair, there are some things you can do:

Quit Smoking

Smoking is bad for your lungs, and it might also lead to hair loss. A study with 1,000 men found that most of the smokers had some hair loss, compared to fewer non-smokers. If you stop smoking, it might help reduce hair loss.

Scalp Massage

Massaging your scalp not only feels good, but it might also help with hair loss. Massaging your scalp can wake up the hair follicles. A study showed that a healthy man who got a 4-minute scalp massage every day for 24 weeks had thicker hair by the end of the study. People who did scalp massages also felt like their hair looked better.

Healthy Diet

Eating a balanced diet can keep your hair healthy. Make sure you eat lots of different vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Try not to eat too many sugary things. Some vitamins and minerals in food can help your hair. Foods with iron, omega-3 fatty acids (like fish), and lots of protein (like eggs and lean meats) are good for your hair. Drinking enough water is also important.

Reduce Stress

Stress isn’t good for your body, and it can make your hair fall out. Doing things like exercising, listening to music, practicing yoga, meditating, and getting enough sleep can help you feel less stressed.

Natural Remedies: Some natural things might help with hair growth


Oils like peppermint and rosemary might help your hair grow. A study with mice showed that these oils could be useful. Coconut, castor, and olive oils are also recommended, but they might not work as well as we thought.

Saw Palmetto

This is a plant with small berries. Some research suggests it could help your hair grow, but we need more studies to be sure.


Biotin is a vitamin found in foods like nuts and eggs. Taking biotin might help slow hair loss, but we’re not totally sure if it works in people who aren’t lacking in biotin.

Onion Juice

A small study showed that using onion juice on your scalp might help hair regrow better than just water, especially for a certain type of hair loss.


This is an herb that could support hair growth. A study with rats found it might work even better than a medicine called minoxidil. But we need more research to know if it’s the same for humans.

Green Tea:

Some compounds in green tea might help with hair loss, at least in mice. But we don’t have enough human studies yet.


A kind of hibiscus from China could be good for hair growth, based on a study with mice. But we don’t have human studies for this yet.

Remember, these natural remedies might not work for everyone, and more research is needed to know for sure. It’s always a good idea to talk to a doctor before trying new treatments.

Understanding Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a condition often inherited from family members. It’s common, affecting over half of men aged 50 or older. Stress and autoimmune issues, like alopecia areata, can also lead to hair loss.

On a daily basis, it’s normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs, which get replaced by new ones. Hair loss happens when hair falls out too fast or new growth slows down. This can result in gradually thinning hair or sudden bald patches, affecting just the scalp or the whole body.

Caring for Your Hair

Gentle Care: Be gentle when brushing or styling your hair. Steer clear of tight hairstyles, chemical treatments, heated tools, and excessive tugging or twisting of the hair.

Medical Checkup: Some medical conditions, like diabetes, lupus, and thyroid issues, can lead to hair loss. Treating these underlying problems can help with your hair loss.

Medications: Certain medicines, such as those for cancer, depression, and blood pressure, can cause hair loss. Discuss your medications with a doctor.

Preventing Hair Loss:

While you might not fully stop male pattern baldness, you can slow it down or prevent it:

Manage Stress: Find ways to reduce stress through healthy habits and activities.

Healthy Lifestyle: Eat well and stay active to support overall health.

Gentle Hairstyles: Avoid styles that stress your hair.

Hair Products: Use products that promote hair health.

Quit Smoking: Smoking can worsen hair loss.

Scalp Massages: Massaging your scalp might help.

Medical Consultation: Discuss medications and medical conditions with a healthcare professional.


There are various treatments for hair loss, including medications, implants, and home remedies. Start by consulting a doctor to determine the cause of your hair loss and the best treatment approach for you.

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