Acidity Problems? 14 Home Remedies That Can Help

Heartburn’s a real pain – that burning feeling in your chest and throat when stomach acid decides to go the wrong way. It can happen for all sorts of reasons, like what you eat and …

Acidity Problems? 14 Home Remedies That Can Help

Heartburn’s a real pain – that burning feeling in your chest and throat when stomach acid decides to go the wrong way. It can happen for all sorts of reasons, like what you eat and how you live your life. The good news is, that there are loads of natural tricks and lifestyle tweaks that can help you deal with acidity problems and keep your digestion happy. In this complete guide, we’ll dive deep into these tactics, giving you plenty of ways to kick acidity to the curb and feel better.

1. Ginger

  • Ginger’s pretty awesome – it’s known for calming down inflammation and easing acidity.
  • You can get it in your daily routine by making ginger tea or just munching on ginger candies.
  • That ginger goodness can help soothe your esophagus and make heartburn way more bearable. So, give it a shot!

2. Baking Soda

  • Got some baking soda lying around?
  • Well, mix it with a bit of water, and you’ve got yourself a DIY antacid.
  • It works by neutralizing stomach acid and can help with heartburn. But remember, don’t go overboard with it because baking soda has sodium, and too much of that isn’t great for you. Moderation is the key!

3. Aloe Vera Juice

  • Aloe vera juice is a real champ when it comes to soothing stuff.
  • It’s great at calming down the esophagus inflammation that comes with heartburn. Try sipping on a bit of aloe vera juice before your meals – it might just help ease those pesky heartburn symptoms.

4. Chamomile Tea

  • Chamomile tea is like the superhero of the tea world when it comes to beating inflammation. It’s a top pick for taming acidity.
  • So, grab a cup of chamomile tea after chowing down, and you might find it helps ease that heartburn and keeps your tummy feeling comfy.
  • Cheers to chamomile!

5. Cold Milk

  • Cold milk is like the OG remedy for acidity and gas problems – it’s been a go-to for ages.
  • It’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s stood the test of time. Just pour yourself a glass of cold milk, and boom, instant relief from that pesky acidity.
  • Plus, the calcium in milk can help prevent more acid buildup in your stomach. So, if you’re always battling acidity, give this classic remedy a shot – it’s natural, it’s quick, and it works like a charm!

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Here’s a bit of a twist: even though apple cider vinegar is acidic, some folks actually swear by it for heartburn relief.
  • They mix a teaspoon of it with water and have it before meals. It’s like a balancing act for stomach acid – can work for some people, but not for everyone.

7. Fennel Seeds

  • Fennel seeds are like little heartburn superheroes. Just chew on a few, and they can work wonders for easing that discomfort and making digestion smoother.
  • People have been using fennel seeds for ages to calm tummy troubles – it’s a simple and effective trick to have up your sleeve!

8. Bananas

  • Bananas are nature’s heartburn busters! They’re naturally low in acidity and can be a super easy fix.
  • Grab a ripe banana, chow down, and feel that burning sensation in your chest and throat mellow out. It’s a quick and handy remedy!

9. Papaya

  • Papayas are digestion’s best friend! They’ve got these nifty enzymes that can help you out with acidity.
  • Munch on some ripe papaya or have a glass of papaya juice, and you’ll likely find your stomach feeling soothed and those heartburn symptoms saying bye-bye. Papaya power!

10. Mint Leaves

  • Mint leaves are like a cool breeze for your tummy. Chewing on some fresh mint leaves or sipping mint tea can work wonders for easing digestion discomfort and dialing down acidity.
  • So, if you’re feeling the burn, try some mint for that soothing relief!

11. Lemon Water

  • Lemon water is a real acidity neutralizer – it’s like magic for your stomach.
  • Just squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice into warm water and have it a bit before eating. Not only does it help with digestion, but it’s also a vitamin C booster.
  • But remember, don’t overdo it, because too much lemon water can mess with your tooth enamel and make you pee more.
  • To keep your pearly whites safe, rinse your mouth with water after sipping on lemon water. It’s all about balance!

12. Cumin Seeds

  • Roasting and grinding cumin seeds is a smart move when it comes to fighting acidity. Mix a bit with water and have it, and you might just find some relief.
  • Cumin seeds are like digestive wizards – they can work their magic and help ease that heartburn.
  • So, if acidity is bugging you, give cumin seeds a try – it’s a natural remedy that could do the trick!

13. Licorice Root (DGL)

  • Licorice root, especially in the form of deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) supplements, can be a game-changer for your stomach.
  • It’s like a shield for your stomach lining, reducing the chances of irritation and heartburn.
  • If you’re looking for a long-term solution, this natural remedy is definitely worth a shot. Licorice root – it’s got your back!

14. Slippery Elm

  • Slippery elm is like a gentle hug for your esophagus. Whether you take it in supplement form or sip it as tea, it’s known for its soothing powers.
  • The mucilage in slippery elm can really ease that discomfort that comes with heartburn.
  • So, if you’re on the hunt for relief, give slippery elm a try – it’s like a cozy blanket for your digestive system!


Acidity can be a disruptive and uncomfortable condition, but with the right natural remedies and lifestyle changes, you can effectively manage and alleviate its symptoms. Whether you choose to incorporate soothing herbs like ginger and chamomile, adjust your dietary habits, or make lifestyle modifications, these strategies can provide relief and improve your overall digestive well-being. By taking a holistic approach to managing acidity, you can enjoy a more comfortable and acidity-free life.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How can I cure acidity fast at home?

For quick relief from acidity at home, try sipping on cold milk or mixing baking soda with water in moderation. These remedies can help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate discomfort.

Which drink kills acidity?

Cold milk or a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda can help neutralize stomach acid and provide relief from acidity.

Which fruit is best for acidity?

Bananas are often considered one of the best fruits for acidity relief because they are naturally low in acidity and can help alleviate heartburn symptoms.

Is curd good for acidity?

Curd, or yogurt, can be good for acidity for many people due to its probiotics, which support digestive health. However, it may worsen symptoms for some individuals, so it’s best to monitor how it affects you personally.

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